Using Quickbooks Integration with FSM Software to Increase Profits
Several years ago, our team placed a call to one of our small field service business customers to see how his company was faring overall, and if there were any software or management issues with which we could help. Right after asking him how the day was treating him so far, he replied with a phrase that is entirely too common among small- to medium-sized field service industry business owners and employees: “I’m in QuickBooks hell.”
Ahh, yes, the all-too-familiar sentiment that is short for, “I’m in over my head in accounting, invoicing, and sales software, and can’t get anything else accomplished around the office and shop.” That phone call took place years ago, and it’s still memorable.
With approximately twenty-nine million small businesses in the United States, QuickBooks seems to control the market share of financial management software at eighty percent. Numbers like these mean that there’s a good chance that your field service business is one of many that uses QuickBooks to create and receive invoices, manage accounts payable and receivable, run payroll weekly or semi-weekly, record and view sales information, and generate quarterly tax and profit and loss statements.
After reading the above list of functions for which your company uses QuickBooks, you can see why using the program can be a time-consuming matter, but the fact of the matter is that employees need to be paid, accounts receivable charts need to be tracked, and sales need to be registered because, let’s face it, finances are the most crucial matter in business. However, you cannot forget that technicians need to be scheduled, workday driving routes need to be determined, and inventory needs to be distributed and monitored accordingly.
This is where QuickBooks integration comes into play for your small- to mid-sized field service business. Field service management software like Optsy allows for QuickBooks integration with data to simply and effectively allow for the accounting, dispatching, managing, and scheduling departments “talking” to one another—a.k.a. working together to drive your business’s bottom line. Integrating QuickBooks with your field service management software is uncomplicated, and can be done in under three minutes.
Once your company does Quickbooks integration with its field service management software program, you can have both a desktop suite with a mobile/tablet component that ties all of your company’s critical data together. All of your field service business’s information is integrated and organized into easy-to-use dashboards which include inventory, dispatch, sales, payroll, customer data, financial statements, and the like.
What does this mean for your field service business’s operations? If a technician gets behind schedule on any given workday, his or her overtime hours will integrate right into the payroll portion of your field service management software once you integrate QuickBooks. What does that mean? No more separate calculations to determine billable hours and rates.
Along with this, if one of your accounting or scheduling employees leaves on vacation or retires, other employees from different departments can still access financial or dispatch information without learning an entirely different software system. All-in-all, QuickBooks integration with fields service management software is a much more effective way to run your business.
Another benefit: because QuickBooks seems to nearly monopolize the market share in small-business financial software, most field service management programs do integrate with QuickBooks.
“How Exactly Does QuickBooks Integration Boost My Company’s Revenue?”
We’re glad that you asked. Remember our client who was stuck in “QuickBooks hell” before he decided to integrate QuickBooks with field service management software? Can you imagine how much opportunity cost—and actual revenue loss—his company experienced by separately managing financial and scheduling data? If all of your systems operate apart from one another, then you are looking at navigating a maze in order to find information that is necessary to effectively do your job. Time is money, so why not create more time to complete work and drive your business’s bottom line.
This is where QuickBooks integration helps your small to medium-sized field service business. Having an all-in-one field service management system makes your business run smoother and faster, which means that more time can be freed up for decision making, planning, and implementing these ideas. Innovation is how your grow your business; pouring over financial statements while switching back and forth from a separate scheduling and dispatching program while attempting to craft an email in your Outlook account is not.
Along with growth comes additional revenue. Sure, you’re going to spend a little money on your field service management software, but when you integrate QuickBooks with this new software, you’re going to reap the financial benefits that come along with unparalleled organization. Your technicians may be able to take on more appointments each day due to enhanced scheduling and routing capabilities. You may be able to cut back on the number of office employees who perform different managerial functions now that all of your company’s accounting and scheduling information is in one dynamic program. You may even align finances with technicians’ skill sets to see which tech generates the most amount of money for your company on a given type of jobsite.
Another way that QuickBooks integration drives your field service company’s bottom line is by allowing you to outsource specific parts of your company—but actually, it isn’t really outsourcing at all. Say you have a masterful accounting employee in-house who is great with numbers. Instead of having your numbers person managing tedious financial information all day, you can invest in field service management software that does this job for your company. Then, your talented numbers person can serve your business in other strategic capacities that can help generate additional revenue for your company instead of having this person crunching financial data that could be done using QuickBooks integration.
That being said, making field service management software complete with QuickBooks integration profitable is a big deal for small businesses. Field service management software can be costly, and small businesses have less resources than large corporations and much tighter budgets—and we understand that. Here at Optsy, we work mainly with small businesses, and are more than happy to help you find a QuickBooks integration solution that works best for your company. We will even walk you through the QuickBooks integration process to make you feel more comfortable with our field service management software.
We have created a list of resources and questions for you ask yourself and your bosses when proposing the idea of investing in field service management software that integrates with QuickBooks. You can download it below, and feel free to contact us with any questions.