Accounts receivable management is an essential part of computer service businesses that ensures accurate tracking, monitoring, and collection of payments due.

Optsy’s accounts receivable software solution supports computer service businesses with a comprehensive system for managing invoices, payment processing, and the collection of past-due account balances.

If it’s new customers you need, read our blog on how to use Optsy to find new customers.

Past Due Accounts

For too many businesses, including computer service businesses, there’s a lot of money tied up in past due accounts. You’ve done the work and now you have to work hard again just to get paid.

Often, the problem is that the business doesn’t have a plan for handling AR. It’s all done when someone thinks about it, not on a coordinated schedule with a clear and detailed system in place.

The Power Of Optsy for AR

Optsy helps computer service businesses to streamline their accounts receivable processes. The software includes an automated invoicing system that allows businesses to quickly send out customer invoices and track payments received. With Optsy, computer service businesses can easily manage overdue accounts by setting up payment reminders and automatic follow-ups with customers.

Optsy also offers powerful analytics for computer service business owners to better understand their accounts receivable performance. This feature helps business owners identify trends in customer payment behavior, allowing them to take proactive steps towards collecting payments from customers who are overdue or at risk of becoming delinquent.

Instant Payment

Optsy allows technicians to send invoices directly to the client while still at the job site. It even allows for immediate payment, keeping new bills out of AR in the first place.

Additionally, computer service business owners can access a suite of reporting tools including financial summaries, invoices paid and unpaid, charts tracking collections over time, and more. With Optsy’s accounts receivable management software, computer service businesses can reduce the amount of time spent on manual invoicing and collections processes, allowing them to focus their resources on providing excellent service to customers.

The Basics of Collecting on a Past Due Account

The most basic thing is to never lose your cool. Yelling and threatening are not the way to collect a legitimate debt. If you’ve done the work, have proper documentation, and can prove that you’re in the right, the law is on your side.

While collecting might seem like a hassle, it’s a lot easier than dealing with a restraining order or an assault charge.

Send an email immediately. Then in a week after the work is done.

Follow up with a phone call to whomever is in charge of paying the bills.

The key will be to be persistent.

If the client skips, meaning moves away or disappears, send it to the collection agency immediately.

Any court costs or collections costs will be paid by the debtor, not you.

For more information, Camino Financial offers an excellent blog on ways to manage your AR accounts:

Optsy Optimizes Your Business

Optsy provides computer service businesses with the tools needed to manage their accounts receivable in an efficient and effective manner. The software enables computer service business owners to track all customer payments in one place, stay organized by setting up payment reminders for overdue accounts, analyze customer payment trends, and access a suite of reporting tools that can help improve overall collections performance. By using Optsy’s accounts receivable management software, computer service businesses can save valuable time while improving their financial outcomes.

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